Monday, December 07, 2009
Macro Pics
I have been having a play with my camera, with the current lenses, would love to get my hands on a macro lens maybe once get the hang of the camera. Has got me chasing insects again so probably will be more pics like this in the future, also trying to identify as I go along

Common Brown Butterfly (Heteronympha merope) Nymphalidae; Lepidoptera this was taken at Lake Lyall, Lithgow, NSW
Plague Soldier beetle (Chauliognathus Lugubris)
Family Cantharidae
Order Coleoptera, This was taken at Canoelands, NSW

Formicidae family - this was taken at Canoelands, NSW
I have been having a play with my camera, with the current lenses, would love to get my hands on a macro lens maybe once get the hang of the camera. Has got me chasing insects again so probably will be more pics like this in the future, also trying to identify as I go along
Common Brown Butterfly (Heteronympha merope) Nymphalidae; Lepidoptera this was taken at Lake Lyall, Lithgow, NSW
Family Cantharidae
Order Coleoptera, This was taken at Canoelands, NSW
Formicidae family - this was taken at Canoelands, NSW