Tuesday, March 25, 2008
On the weekend after a great Thursday night, Off to Albury I went for the Easter Long Weekend to watch SUHC Rug Dodgers, Salad Dogers and Lions play. The carnival has lost some of the shine froom its glory days when a hundred teams would show up but those who go still have a brilliant time. There was some hockey played, some beers drunk and friendships made.
Thanks to Cooke and Remo for organising and doing all the hard work.
Whats a carnival without a costume party- Theme rescue me!
On the weekend after a great Thursday night, Off to Albury I went for the Easter Long Weekend to watch SUHC Rug Dodgers, Salad Dogers and Lions play. The carnival has lost some of the shine froom its glory days when a hundred teams would show up but those who go still have a brilliant time. There was some hockey played, some beers drunk and friendships made.
Thanks to Cooke and Remo for organising and doing all the hard work.

Nothing like a couple of beers at the hockey
There was hockey played this is the closet photo to any games, looking forward to when I can play again.