Another week, another post!
This must almost be a record of this blog with such a rapid update of whast been going on. Anyway to the point I have been pretty busy at work finishing up all the loose ends prior to the close of the office for christmas were all go away to eat, drink and be merry! On that note MERRY CHRISTMAS
In between work I have been trying to stay busy and on thursday with Lauren and Elene went to see Ash and his band The Bedford Decision rock out at the ADFA end of year party. It was great and definately will go and see again. Due to having twilight soccer on I couldn't stay on and party with the band backstage. On twilight soccer I am really enjoying it and thinking it may be doing something for my fitness only a little though as usually end up at O'Neils straight after to rehydrate, hopefully my body holds together for the rest of the season.

A collage of photos from the thurday gig
On Friday in the office the traditional Secret Santa was held with a special visit from Santa. It was a great afternoon with drinks nibbles and presents. Though whoever got me my present obviously knows me to well and I've only been round for 6 months!
Santa looking at the tree, the presents and wondering if anyone in the office had really been that good.
After all that hard work Santa needed a drink, the red hat was substituted for a more suitable drinking hat.
After work on Friday I jumped in the car and drove down the coast to Pambula to help celebrate Leif and Taras wedding. It was a great service and Tara turned up in a red dress, I think it shocked some perhaps with that aim a little but really suited her and both were over the moon. The reception was held just down the road at the Grange with great food and music. It was great to catch up with close mates to celebrate the wedding and the breakfast at Leifs and Tara's the next day was superb, thanks guys and all the best for the future!
Tara being greeted to the reception by the new inlaws and admired by onlookers
# posted by McMaster @ 11:16 am