Friday, April 06, 2007
Final weeks in Whistler
As the time approaches for me to get organised for the next part my trip I find I am more and more disorganised. It has been awesome fun and really looking forward to the Telus festival which goes for the last 2 weeks of the season and means that there is heaps of concerts on and lots of pro riders and skiers to watch. So as the season comes to an end there are loads of farewell parties as everyone goes separate ways. In other news not alot has been happening just getting the last few weeks of skiing in the sun which is awesome developing a pretty mean goggle tan. fly out on the 5th of May to the UK then who knows just keeping my eyes open for jobs there and at home. Well Happy Easter to everyone and will keep you all updated.
This is Travis, Llewellyn and I all at the end of the day skiing on our last run. Llewellyn took to boarding unbelieveably and was landing 180s of small kickers by the end of the week, a little jealous!

As the time approaches for me to get organised for the next part my trip I find I am more and more disorganised. It has been awesome fun and really looking forward to the Telus festival which goes for the last 2 weeks of the season and means that there is heaps of concerts on and lots of pro riders and skiers to watch. So as the season comes to an end there are loads of farewell parties as everyone goes separate ways. In other news not alot has been happening just getting the last few weeks of skiing in the sun which is awesome developing a pretty mean goggle tan. fly out on the 5th of May to the UK then who knows just keeping my eyes open for jobs there and at home. Well Happy Easter to everyone and will keep you all updated.

All posing for a photo for Dad and Llewellyn's bdays, I really should have a shirt on. Still have the mo cos theres a best mo comp coming up with some pretty gnarly prizes so hope it pays off.