Sunday, January 07, 2007

Well its still snowing
Hope all had you all had a great christmas it was a very white christmas over here which I spent working then new years day also working but hey have to do it so I can afford to keep partying. The snow is still falling only had one day which was really bad rained all day and was cold and found out that although our uniforms are meant to be waterproof they cant sustain downpours finished work looking like had just jumped out of the shower. The skiing is getting better slowly but surely but still love rolling around in the snow an awful lot, but its all good fun! am keeping upto date with the news at home and having good time rubbing in to all the poms the 5-0 whitewsh in the ashes now just waiting until Aussie Day which goes off suposably over here. Anyways hope all is well and will keep in touch.
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Hi Mcmaster!! Well Happy Christmas and New years from Ant and I! We miss you.. when are you looking at coming back by the way?? Have fun!! cheers, ange and ant
Happy NY, Mixmaster and Bro'!
You look a little seedy in the photograph that shows you opening presents... Did you get something good?
You look a little seedy in the photograph that shows you opening presents... Did you get something good?
Hey ange and pinko
well no idea when i will return leaving canada in may then its to the UK. Pinko photo was after a long day at work so was knackered. Got a soft shell ski jacket and going bungi jumping with bro.
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well no idea when i will return leaving canada in may then its to the UK. Pinko photo was after a long day at work so was knackered. Got a soft shell ski jacket and going bungi jumping with bro.
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