Tuesday, July 19, 2011
30ths, Weddings, work and .... more 30ths
Andrew, Pete, Ineke and I
It seems to be that time of year with b'day celebrations abound a couple of weddings thrown in for good measure and being flat out working for the man! I have decided to do a brief update of the the last couple of months and blame my poor updates on lack of time but really just have been lazy.
So I have been to Bowen and Cairns for work which was really good as hadn't been that far north before and was awesome to check out the farming up that way and also doing some touristy stuff. Went to Goulburn for Stu Davos 30th, undertook a photo scavenger hunt through Sydney for Freds 30th and a visit to Boorowa for Daley and Lucy's wedding. Winter is now well and truly here in Sydney with wind and rain and plenty of snow falling on the mountains but because of commitments to hockey and work looks like I might be missing a ski trip this year.
Andrew and Lucy's wedding - brilliant day at Lucys property near Boorowa
ON a scavenger hunt for Freds 30th having a shot in Sydney