Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Welcome to 2008
How time flies, another year has gone past! I hope all had a good christmas and new years , I enjoyed the break from work but wish it had been longer. I was pretty busy and clocked up alot of k's car now well and truly due for a service!
This year christmas was with the Lancahshire family in Williamstown, Melbourne. Very enjoyable and good to catch up with everyone, after this is was to Cowra for a couple of days then to Toronto for the McMaster christmas and some time out on the lake, turned up and the boat had over heated so was in the shop but got it out just in time for some wake boarding. Coogee for New Years and now back at work wondering if actually got to relax during my break!
The boat broke down twice out on the lake requiring towing home, here we are docked at the shop waiting for repairs, got it out the next day and was all good, just had to remove a shell from the tail which was resulting in overheating problems!
How time flies, another year has gone past! I hope all had a good christmas and new years , I enjoyed the break from work but wish it had been longer. I was pretty busy and clocked up alot of k's car now well and truly due for a service!
This year christmas was with the Lancahshire family in Williamstown, Melbourne. Very enjoyable and good to catch up with everyone, after this is was to Cowra for a couple of days then to Toronto for the McMaster christmas and some time out on the lake, turned up and the boat had over heated so was in the shop but got it out just in time for some wake boarding. Coogee for New Years and now back at work wondering if actually got to relax during my break!
Travis and Kara enjoying the sights of Melbourne
Jesse showing of one of his many new toys
News Years in Coogee with Fred.